SKU: 1223B, 1223C

Brunschwig & Fils Chinoisere A L’americaine Toile Aqua Blue Bty



10 in stock

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Price is per yard.

Total yards available:

1223B   9.75 yards     PLEASE NOTEFOR THIS BOLT:  At 3 spots, about 4” in from the edge, there are rust stains.

1223C   0.8 yard

It should not affect most projects.

@1Y smudge in middle of fabric
@2.5-2.625Y rust stain 4″ in from left fabric edge
@4.4Y rust stain 4″ in from right edge
@7.125Y rust stain 4″ in from Left edge
Extra 0.5 yard will be given for each spot to cover the loss of yardage.
Please see details in photo.


A classic toile print by Brunschwig & Fils.Based on historical textile from Mount Vernon, George Washington’s estate.Featured in their book.

Fabric Content 100% cotton

Brunschwig & Fils “Chinoisere A L ‘Americaine’ Print

A classic from Mount Vernon, George Washington’s estate.

Bright turquoise blue on pure white

Please See Color Chart

Very relaxed & airy .

MSRP: $94/yard years ago. Now such historical printed toile by B & Fils goes for at least $160/yard.

100% Cotton

HR54″, VR 24.75″, Width: 54′ print+1 inches selvage (total width 55”)